Net surfers appreciate! Thank you! I do not know what to do.


Net surfers appreciate! Thank you!

Young Peanuts – In late June, the page of China shared a video clip that makes it very difficult. The Internet has been visited by more than 600,000 people, while a young man feeds his elderly mother while waiting in the hospital room of a hospital in China

. The old man came to the doctor. May. But waiting to call the check. "width =" 284 "height =" 452 "data-has-syndication-rights =" 1 "data-portal-copyright =" Matichon Public Co., Ltd. "srcset =" th / wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / รพ. 2.jpg 284w, รพ. 2-188×300.jpg 188w, รพ. 2-264×420.jpg 264w "sizes =" (max-width: 284px) 100vw, 284px "/>

山 山 / Facebook

After the publication of the clip online.Net users commented and posted a message in the story of this young man, it is a lot of gratitude.

"Attention when he There is still a breath. I'm not sure what you mean. Mother always in the spirit. [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] 學 子 肚子 肚子 過 子, 子 肚子 肚子 肚子 肚子, 此情此景 值得 學習.

Posted by 吳明 山 on Thursday, June 28, 2018

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