New technology in nature.


From the Seal of Rescue Seal collaboration and other people involved in the rescue mission, the youth football team, boar and coaches 13 lives in Luang cave. Chiang Rai is actively fighting for 24 hours until looking for the team of 13 boars. With success In the night of July 2, 61, in 10 days, he was shown in case of emergency. The Thais have never left.

And there is another phenomenon that is learning, in addition to knowledge, of expertise. And experience in research. Another important is the use of technology to find 13 lives. Prof. Dr. Chaiwat. Guru and scientist in Thailand Revealed with the online newsgroup team to the question. Help people caught in a critical situation or close to the crisis. Or disaster Other natural disasters What is the rescue technology of MH370?

Early Rescue Use Only People Search

where Prof . Dr. Chaiwat Let's start with the evolution of technology to help find and save. Search and rescue, which in the young age will only be used by people and news. It helped.

But enough to enter the new era. New technologies help to see in the dark. Or through the barrier and catch the slight movement. Until the middle of the 20th century, there was a new satellite technology that played an important role in the research. Then, it became a global communication network. Caused by the interaction of computers with satellite communications. And the cable

.The use of the satellite is divided into two types: passive. The receiver only. The other type is active (active) and not just photographing. Signal only I can send the signal. Electromagnetic waves Light Microwaves, radios, ultraviolet rays, X-rays and gamma rays are transmitted to the surface of the Earth. Then catch the return signal.

"Using Satellite for Research Available in desert countries such as Saudi Arabia, but by many, it is used in military operations in the desert war.Because I see people at night.If you use infrared radiation it's a great way to make a living. " Professor Chaiwat, associate professor, gave examples of Scandinavian countries. Eventually, the ship went missing and the plane crash MH370 of Malaysia mysteriously disappeared.

May be anywhere. But not so far

technology later. Robotic technology, such as Droon, by Prof. Dr. Chaiwat. Clarify the properties Fly anywhere anytime quickly. And control to fly to the desired point. Stay still in the air. If there are suspicious points. Can zoom in from the ground To get a clear picture. Offline processing takes pictures.

As is the case with the Royal Navy, the American Marine Corps. From the naval base of the island of Okinawa, Japan. It is used to detect heat. Flying scans, caves and mouths, caves and electronic instruments combine to work together. And a team of engineers, PTTEP with the Department of Mineral Fuels. The Ministry of Mineral Resources also took the area of ​​1-2 square kilometers. [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] Dr. Chaiwat gives an opinion

A new robot robotic or insect develops research on the victims. From the heart of

There is also interesting. In the case of people missing in the cave, they send robotic submarines to explore. Teacher. Dr. Chaiwat Disclose this information as well. Developed as a technology robot, which is growing. Search and rescue operations, especially collapsed buildings or earthquakes. There are people trapped under the remains of buildings

who are robotic like insects or snakes that crawl along the niche. To find people who are trapped inside. If there is a small movement known as a person if alive The sensor even detects heartbeats.

"The Case of a Lost Man Or Under a Building Block."

Mobile Fire Loading via Flammable Top Notch. [19659005] However for the upcoming technology Dr. Chaiwat revealed that in addition to using satellite research.General communication system At present, all of the above.Now try to develop technology In the search and rescue operations of all kinds of communication tools.Mobile phone This will show the identity of each machine.The network center will know it.

. "The research and development is being discussed in the academic world is to charge the battery of the remote.At the moment, it can be recharged without the use of a cord, it reloads using flammable.It is only near . " Assoc Mr. Prof. Dr. Chaiwat.

The case of this cave. It's a lesson to know that even if you do not use everything. But technology has helped a lot. Search and rescue will be accomplished. The teacher. Dr. Chaiwat said that there are 2 important factors that people with technology!

Team TEAM News Online [Nouvelles] Scan for humans in the cavern

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