(News clips) boiling iG! I have a question, "Bird Chatchai" who curse?


(News clips) IG Boiling! "The brain is just that color …?" "Chatchai Chai" who posted the post?

IG shaken to the same thing when the big "Chatchai Chai Panich" posted a message. That
"Are you grandpa? Age is not the same.I have seen this brain with a brain like this.Hope and want to see the movement in the brain again. [19659003] I have not seen any of them for a long time. "Animals can not learn", but in a few days, come here There are major suspicions Logic Logic Or does it really start with common sense "Is not he a normal guy?" But it is strange that some senior officials have expressed their thoughts and behavior behind the scenes of common sense … The question is … so we run here.

After that, I have to follow the comment.

But anyway, I do not know why people know that the bird is said to be between this beautiful image of the bird " Chatchai Chai "to update it before.

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