Nexon and TrueMoney WeCard seduce fans of Darkness Rises …


Bangkok – Jul 13 – Namur Thailand

Nexon fans love the game Darkness Rises, just buy the game via TrueMoney WeCard from any package today, get 200 – 1000 free items. Gem in the game worth 3000 baht, I want to put a level.

Not only is there a chance to win a Huawei P20 mobile phone, but also to play Darkness Rises game without any jerks.

200 gems worth THB 3000

5,000 gems worth THB 1000

1,000 gems worth THB300

200 gems a value of 60 THB

Click to see more details Click to see more details Darkness Rises is a RPG action game from Nexon, the developer and leading provider of online and mobile games from Korea. The game comes with a great story, high quality graphics. And intense fighting. Filled with the fullness of scenes and cities. You are ready to swallow each time.

App Store and Google Play Store.

Stay informed of Darkness Rises and update your Facebook page at [19659012] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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