Not a preceptor! & # 39; Rabbi Boonchoo & # 39; donated to the wild boar team.


Interim Prince, Chiang Rai, "Bun Bun Kruba" is not a preceptor.

On July 18, Ratanamuni (Master Punn Manee) Interim Provincial Prison, Chiang Rai discussed current news that Khun Boon Bun C is a precept to order players and coaches from the United States. 13-person boar team that would be misleading to provide information. The news is out. Did not mention the source. And Kruba Boonchum.

And most importantly, Kruba Boonchum is not a preceptor, the monk who was named. To serve as president and head of ordination. To be a preceptor. He must be trained and given the official seal of the monks. Khun Kruba Boonchum did not receive the title of preceptor. He can not be ordained.

however. Even if you can not do ordination.

Acting Primate Chiang Rai said that Khun Khun Khun Khum is a good pastor. He is credited to the public. Since the case of 13 boars, the cave has been received from the mercy of Lord Buddha to pray before the caves for prosperity. Make sure you have peace of mind with the parents of 13 boar children until all children are safe. Which is a good sign. For news. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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