Nurse killed 8 babies killed The most brutal in the UK


Catch a nurse, a lawsuit, killing 8 babies. I am not sure what to do. – The Sun reports that 28-year-old Lucifer B., a 28-year-old male nurse, was arrested in a villa worth 8 million baht after being suspected of having killed eight children. The 17 children of the baby were hospitalized at the Countess of Chester between March 2015 and July 2559. Will be the most bereaved killer in Britain

Liverpool Hospital v Wolves The place where this young nurse had an apprenticeship was announced that he would provide information to the investigation team after the arrest of Miss LBB, a nurse who was caring for a newborn in a hospital.

"Health workers were involved in the investigation.In the police include interviews on the daily life of patients in the care.There are no recommendations for patients in the hospital. hospital to be involved in this investigation, "said a spokeswoman for the Liverpool Women's Hospital.

 British Nurse at Childbirth

. It's "I play a role in caring for children who need help at different levels," she said in an interview with the local newspaper in 2013. "

Some are here a few days .. A few months And I enjoyed seeing the development and support of their families. "

The arrest of Leppard made his colleagues dismayed by the fact that the woman was considered a champion. Take care "width =" 220 "height =" 264 "data-has-syndication-rights =" 1 "data-portal-copyright =" Matichon Public Co., Ltd. "/>

Graduate of the University of Chester UK, With Honors In Nursing Members of 14 groups involved in helping sick children.He said that he was attending special training to improve his knowledge and skills in the special care room.

John The father of a 72-year-old girl and Susan, 58, live in Herford. Let's grow up there, they both said, "We are proud of our children.

 Catch a Nurse

The girl was arrested this time. It has been 3 years since the document was tabled. "The number of newborn deaths is higher than normal" in June 2015, but the cause of death is not known.

Then, it will be necessary to wait another year for June. .2559 The director of the hospital called for experts from the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH). A month later Hospital Newborn Care Unit Forbidden to take care of children By reducing the level of child care. Is a special care unit

An inspector general report issued in November 2019 strongly criticized the director of the hospital. "width =" 413 "height =" 896 "data-has-syndication-rights =" 1 "data-portal-copyright =" Matichon Public Co., Ltd. "srcset =" ####×696.jpg 321w,×420 .jpg 194w "sizes =" (max-width: 413px) 100vw, 413px "/>

The report says that many babies have collapsed.Do not respond to help And the blues also appear. resuscitated But the pathologist found nothing in the tests of blood toxicity or blood sugar during the autopsy.

The neonatal child safety committee rarely cooperated: only seven out of twenty people attended at the meeting in May 2016. The police department of the city of Cheshire opened an investigation in May. After a baby died in the hospital,

Cheshire city police said. "From the survey.We have arrested a health professional who is related to the survey.We are aware that this survey has had a huge impact on the family.The patient and the patient at the hospital

"The parents of all babies are still progressing. And get the full support of specially trained staff. It's a difficult time for everyone in the family and it's important to remember it. The key point of this. There are a number of families of dead babies trying to find out what is happening to their children. "

" It is a very sophisticated and sensitive investigation. And we do everything we can.

Ian Harvey, medical director of the Countess of Chester Say

"Asking the police to investigate this is not something that we do not get Do not worry, but we have to do everything we can to understand what's going on here, and find the answer we and the family of the dead baby need.The Countess of Chester is now the equivalent of the care unit. special for children level 1, and we are confident that this unit will be safe in its current form. "

Nelson Fern. Legal work "The death of children Is a tragedy And no answer to what has happened, however, we are convinced that the investigation is continuing and we hope that this survey can provide answers to the families of these children. children. "

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