"Nuttachatthorn" sharing experience. Passport lost the first time of his life |


Sharing experience "Nuttakatthorn".

A very young singer-actor. I like the exercise for the " Nath. " In addition to the exercise. I always challenge myself in the marathon. It is in our house or abroad. It is not good. In addition to exercising the "nut" to pay attention. If anyone followed in his instagram. I like to travel frequently.

  Nuttapakdorn did a lost passport experiment

  Nuttapakdi lost his passport experience "src =" https: //www.daradaily.com/module/ckfinder/userfiles/images/natsakdathorn%20 ( 2) .jpg "style =" height: 685px; Width: 503px "title =" Natthakodda Passport lost experience "/ </span></p>
<p><span style= Recently, he went to Korea but it seems like a trip that is not easy.He removed a passport during his stay. Korea.The first experience in Kimchi through the private life is the first time in the life of a lost passport.It is expected that during the trip with friends.I accidentally fell on the car.How do you know How to do it? Good luck with the Thai people like this.A certain peace of mind.The embassy staff is kind.All you have to do is be friendly and very fast Wait for the white paper to replace the passport as shown in the photo.This is the first time I see this movie. "Src =" Experience https://www.daradaily.com/module/ckfinder/userfiles/images /natsakdathorn%20(4).jpg "style =" height = 679px; width: 496px "title =" Passport a lost his experience. "/>

  The Nuttapakorn Passport Experience Lost" src = "https://www.daradaily.com/module/ckfinder/userfiles/images/natsakdathorn%20(3).jpg "style =" 0 "title =" </span></p>
<p style=  Nuttapakorn did a lost passport experience "src =" https://www.daradaily.com/module/ckfinder/userfiles/images/natsakdathorn%20(5).jpg "style </span></p>
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