Oh! Chiang Rai (new people) talk about the unsigned Narongsak project.


After the migration is changing the position of Chiang Rai to the position of Phayao and Governor Phayao of Chiang Rai

not to waste time. News Team Talk to Mr. Praprat Prakarn, Chiang Rai (new), the former governor of Phayao. I want to leave the job at Phayao to Mr. Narongsak Osotthanakorn. To take a position Phayao

However, Mr. Prajana briefly. I do not want to say anything now. The problem that Phayao has that he is not telling me now. I want to go to the official position.

"Phayao province has no urgent work. […] There are many projects Mr. Narongsak Osatchanakorn, former director of Chiang Rai Province, did not sign the project. How do you do this? Mr. Praaj said the project will have to discuss with Chiang Rai's deputy director before proceeding. "Phayao was handed to Phayao's deputy governor for reporting to the new governor. from Phayao to go there, he should talk with the deputy to hear.I will continue to look.It is normal.

The report says that there are many projects in the past.Mr. Narongsak, a former director of Chiang Rai Province, has not approved the request for a 32 million economic stimulus package of dollars to build the "elephant monk Phaya Mang monument" on the island of Mae Kok Reef

Mr. Narongsak I was interview Klong Mun River monument to build a monument. The sand area is clear. If you sign it. To immediately become an illegal signatory, including the economic stimulus package, 32 million baht are free and more than 20 projects have been rebounded.

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History Mr. Narongsak, a former governor of Chiang Rai who was transferred to the governor of Phayao.
History of Mr. Primaj Pranakul, province of Phayao who moved. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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