Order information completed – vehicle registration


n Transportation with suspension of the registration of a car – Do not park the road.

Major General Aekar Limpakdee 3. As a committee charged with amending the Highway Code. The police department was recently informed by the Ministry of Transport. The database system to connect to the PRS to stop vehicle registration fees has been finalized On July 10, the IT department of the Ministry of Transport will meet the government. To find a common way to connect, how does the system work? It must be discussed in order to conclude the clear guidelines What to do? In addition, there is information that both organizations will need to come together to provide a concrete way to work before the STS and the Department of Transport are announced to the public in a way that will start the system and all. When will the offender enter the system? We expect it to take time.

Major General Ekrak said. For the welding process of the system. The Ministry of Transport will accelerate as soon as possible to enforce those who fail to pay fines as required by law. Since the law has been in effect since the late 1960s, the government has issued a mandatory restriction because the database linking system of the two agencies is not ready yet. By applying it will extend the life of the offense, the authorities can apply within a year because of the past. She ordered police officers across the country to register the offense in the STS's PTM system. If the system is connected, it will immediately send the information to the Ministry of Transport.

Jirapat Poomjit, Deputy Chief of the Traffic Department, said the meeting was to follow the resolution of the traffic problem, Deputy Prime Minister General Pravit Wongsuwan chaired the meeting on July 6. Past Concerned about traffic conditions in the Bangkok area. The Metropolitan Police Commission (BAN) ordered the traffic police to monitor traffic conditions along the BTS line. Do not park your car on the road surface with the construction of all areas. In fact, there is no need to worry about traffic congestion. The area is much more rigid. Regulatory Traffic officers do not park their vehicles at all times on the construction route. In Ladprao Street Chaengwattana Road Ramindra Road Ramkhamhaeng Road HH issued a regulation. Srinakarin Road More polls today (July 10th) will be called. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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