OTA – The concert of Oishi TK & # 39; BNK48 & # 39; helps to love and heal the tears of "Ambassador of Laos & # 39; to thank the Thais


On the night of July 31, the troops of Ota and Oshima met to fill the Siamese Ganesh Theater. Siam Square To attend the charity concert of the first group of cute girls BNK48, young people adore "love and care". #ThailandForAttapeu "Concerts for the victims of Atapay, Lao PDR, following the events of the Xe-Pian-Sa-Noi Dam

People led by Punjab, Pui, Butter, Jade, Jane, Jane, Jit , glass, pearl, spirit, Mio, Mobile, and water were jumping, singing and dancing to 12 funniest songs, including "Oogoe Diamond", "Itakat ta," "Sakura No Hanabiratachi", " "Hirari Skirt", which everyone will be hearing from fans, especially the hit song "Koisuru Fortune Cookie".

After the start of the event, Fudge and Junho, the second member of BNK, hosted the fans and the media before discussing the purpose of the event.All will continue to generate income after the sale of all cards used to help victims without cost.

Later in the brakes, c & # 39; is the FIFA Bamboo .. Sorry and shocked the incident along the way.I can not help being sorry for the victories imes and all will be well.

When the concert ends. Supported by the Thai Rak Thai Foundation, Khunying Sudarat Gerayapan
is President and Workpoint Entertainment Including other private companies. The proceeds from the sale of the tickets and the total donation of Baht 2,714,352 will be returned to the victims without deduction of costs through the intermediary of Mr. Sangsak Patchiwong, Ambassador of the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Thailand

Then light up, expressing thanks to tears in Lao language. Works tonight. I am very happy and grateful to hear the lyrics of the song, showing the encouragement of the Thai people to the people of Laos to me and people to go through there. This help shows the beloved love between the two countries, the brothers and sisters, who were brought to understand the languages ​​of the other. I wish you all success.

You can also donate via Siam Commercial Bank Thailand to Attapeu Ladprao Soi 10 Current Account Number 047-3-03845-4 From today until August 8 [19659008] var is_in_tdc_iframe = false
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