Out of reach! I must say,


Out of reach! I have a lot of friends.

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Almost everyone is tired! The neighbors are scattered throughout the house. Leave the phone number "tell the car call" on the front of the house itself has a parking area. Do not forget to do it …

Social Hunter V.ss reveals the story of an owner who said that if it was a homepage, what would you do? Cheers! The alley froze. I will do it too. The house itself is not parked with the posted images of neighbors' cars passing by the house blocking the entrance. I do not want to park my house. The wheel has a phone number labeled "Car call"

However, many commentators have criticized the owners of the show. Mainly stated. It's a very selfish behavior. The house itself is back to the other.

(Info from the fan page of Social Hunter V.ss)

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