Panic! Marine Commissioner Names "Pancake Khem Nuyan" as Navy Spokesperson


  Pancakes The Navy

Haha! The Navy has signed a "Navy Pancake" as a spokeswoman for the Navy.

hello! The navy commander has named "Panchen Khemnadis" as spokesman for the navy.

On 20 July, Maj. Gen. Chetta Yai Piem, Navy Spokesman, declared that General Nori Naval Commander (Special), No. 561/2561, dated 12 July 2061, concerning the appointment of a special spokesperson for the Navy. To ensure that the Navy's operations are effective and efficient, Miss Khun Nijapikorn or Pancake, the famous actress, is asked to be the Navy's special spokesperson.

1. Release of Naval Information Attributed by the Naval Reef

2. Become a guest and participate in activities. Of the Navy, as assigned by the Naval Corps.

3. Provide useful information and advice on Navy Information Operations

and 4. Perform other duties. According to a spokeswoman for the Navy,

However, the arrival of Miss Khunying C is a volunteer to assist the PR work of the Navy without receiving any compensation because Ms. Khamnit studied under the Royal Navy Executive Development Model (RSE).

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