Pantip announces the third U-League campaign with a new eSport training program


Pantip launches the launch of the Pantip E-Sport Academy X U-League Project 2018 Pantip E Sport Arena It will provide training as an athlete.

can join the event for free from July 21, 2011. The 2018 U-League will be held in two competitions: Dota2 and CSGO. Hosted this competition and 20 institutions participating in the eSports competition at the university level this year.

  Veerrit Weerrit

M.Vererrit Full Property Manager Pantip E-Sport Academy X The U-League 2018 is a project open to the public. Learn more about sports related sports. There will be an introduction to the sport. Make money Be an athlete And work in related industries. The goal is to develop skills. To enter a new electronic sport with potential.

will take place every Saturday, with workshops on Saturday, 8 weeks and workshops with experts starting July 21st. Activities are free throughout the event. For more information, please visit.

Division of the tournament U League 2018 that this year held. For the third time, there will be two competitions, Dota2 and CS: Counter Strike Offensive Offensive, organized by Kasetsart University and 20 educational institutions participating in electronic competitions at the university level. [194590015]

For the project press conference Pantip E-Sport Academy X U-League 20 18 at Pantip Sport Arena, Pantip Pratunam There are media, administrators, partners, teachers and student representatives at the event. There will also be a presentation of the flags of the participating institutions. Including trophies [194590016]

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