Parents flock to the bride. I married the groom.


The show of the bride and groom To report to the groom who left work with the police. And ask for help to load the event more than 4 hundred thousand with …

The case of a Facebook user. Have published live images of their own wedding. The bride was on stage to say thank you to the guests who attended the party alone, tears, because the groom did not attend. Which is explained by the bride. The groom did not come. Because of the dowry. [Lire tout ici]

On July 22, the journalist went to the house of the bride. It's a place to organize the making of merit and the bowl in the morning. It is also the house of friends. And parents are encouraged to continue. From the interview to interview the bride. I do not want to say anything now because of the stressful situation and the shock of the incident Let's be Sister News

The sister told the reporter. I do not know the relationship between the two. I know it on June 17 after the groom's parents and grandfather. I came to ask the sister who agreed on the amount of gold, 2 hundred thousand gold, 4 baht and the parents of the bride and groom still give to their parents to fix the wedding day

but enough. The next day (July 22), the groom did not contact the groom, while the groom contacted the bribe to pay the remaining six thousand requests that money can not do. The bride's cousin was invited to attend the ceremony first and foremost to talk. No one attended the morning session.

Then she took her sister to the pursuit of the groom. And in the amount of money spent in the organization of the event, about 400 000 baht, I would like to share this responsibility. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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