Paris Saint Germain beat Atletico Madrid by a narrow margin.


July 31, 2061 at 5:01 am

UEFA Champions League Cup Winners' Cup at Singapore National Stadium Paris Saint-Germain (Champs Elysees) French Champion in 1st Division Matches against Atletico Madrid. Europa League

32 mins Ash in the lead. The first half of the first half of the head 1-0.

Second half 71 minutes, Musa Dibby shot on pitches, away from the 2- 0

4 minutes later, Atlético de Madrid took the kick off the corner of the ball from Bologna Moleskoy at the final in Madrid. 86 Atletico Madrid rivalry 2-2 on the way to the door of Antoine Bernard

With a shot to the left in front of the penalty area of ​​Virgil Pocholiche, Paris Saint-Germain split from accuracy. 3 (19659009) if (typeof jQuery! == & # 39; undefined & # 39;) {
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