Paris took the night! Neymar flapped his wings. Liverpool striker beats Liverpool to win 16 teams


Paris took the night! Neymar flapped his wings. Liverpool tense to win the team's 16th victory

Paris Saint-Germain Avenger successfully. After the opening of the overwhelming defeat of the "Reds" 2-1, it resulted in the last defeated defeat of Liverpool to defeat Napoli with more than a goal to pass in the last 16 UEFA Champions League teams. League Cup, Group C, Wednesday night November 28th.

Course: Parc des Prenses (Paris, France)

First match for which Anfield Liverpool beat Paris Saint Germain before the 3-2, before the race, Napoli led the audience with 6 points, "Reds" ranked No. 2 with 6 points (He Dwight Head c & # 39; Napoli.

The good news of local residents is that the backpacks Kei Yin and Nayarar have recovered from the national team to help the team on the sea side. Joe Gomez has returned. The offensive line is also a problem with the 3 danger lances, as well as Maine, Mohammad and Phnom Penh.

The first three minutes to pass a magnificent ball through the ball into the ball before the ball into the ball before the ball, but Liverpool's Dian Loren forward to get a corner.

Pesce's off-side lasted more than seven minutes, the door was raised when Maria's volley left the area with the ball to the right to put the second post, but Alessandro narrowly escaped.

The "Reds" arrive at the door until 13 minutes from the ball's thrashing into the ball until the center of the van to let the ball enter Bayern. Catch the ball with the left before the ball with the ball to score first to put in the ashes a 1-0 lead.

Paris took the night! Neymar flapped his wings. Liverpool tense to win the team's 16th victory

Liverpool's first shot was 22 minutes and Salah received the ball within 18 yards before shooting to the left. But the ball to the net against the first pillar.

In the second half of the season, Neymar crossed the first half, inflicting a six-yard penalty on the goalkeeper. But then, Alessandro left the ball of the foot. But again, Neymar will play the ball, but the ball was slightly in the hand.

34 "Joe Gomez receives a yellow card for the second time after the win.

Paris took the night! Neymar flapped his wings. Liverpool tense to win the team's 16th victory

"The Reds" did not really take 37 minutes, Pesche taking a 2-0 lead at the back of the ball on Vaye Maray's ball, left of the ball, before the ball before the ball. Kawee Kawee's right flank saved Alessandro, but the ball came back to Neymar.

Last minute first half In the first half of the season, the first referee to point the ball around the corner. I will consult with the line. The referee gave the penalty. And James Milner will pull the left corner from his own right to escape the wrong way to save.

Paris took the night! Neymar flapped his wings. Liverpool tense to win the team's 16th victory

The first half of Paris Saint Germain in Liverpool 2-1.

Back in the second half, just 47 minutes later, the fans turned the ball after Marquez sent the ball into the net. The referee shot first.

"Reds" pretty fast compression, high pressure, causing the ball to the local ball are missing and the clopper's team started to scare. 60 minutes Robertson passes the ball to the first pole. Federico, but the Brazilian spear is out of the box.

Paris took the night! Neymar flapped his wings. Liverpool tense to win the team's 16th victory

64 'Paris replaced Dani Alves in the place of two players replacing Angel Fabio Di Maria and who eliminates Edison Cavani and sends Eric Mugabe, Chu-Mod Plays instead

The Liverpool club team resolved 66 minutes, sending Na Guaita back to the center to replace Jorge Joon.

Aged 70, he was about to qualify for the semi-finals.

The next minute, Liverpool changed the second by sending Daniel Sturridge to replace Roberto Ferdinando before 77 minutes to allow James Milner to leave and send Sir Cushion. surrogate

Paris took the night! Neymar flapped his wings. Liverpool tense to win the team's 16th victory

83 minutes, local residents found part of the ball hit the ball with Robertson, Robertson even speed ball to the ball, but also left, Scott squeeze to make a shot. I do not know

At the end of the match, there are no more goals, the Reds beating the Reds 2 to 1 to score three points, with 8 points in second place, Liverpool having six points, the last match to be held in Naples. Win the next 16 finalists.

Paris took the night! Neymar flapped his wings. Liverpool tense to win the team's 16th victory

List of players on the field.

Paris Saint-Germain (4-2-3-1): Luigi Winfrey – Thilo Kehller, Tiago Silva (captain), Preston Kim Pemecke, Juan Bairn – Marinenko, Marco Nirmar, Angela di Maria (Dani Alves, 65) – Ewson Cavani (Eric Mugabe, Chuo-Moing, 65)

Liverpool (4-3-3): Jennifer Lopez, Diana Lorenz, Fergie Van Dyke, Andrew Robertson – James Milner 77), Jordan Henderson (team captain), Georgina Joanna Vital (Mohamed Salah), Roberto Fiore (Daniel Sturridge, 71), Sardinia

Referee: Simone Marcin (Poland)

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