People's Daily Party reveals that Jack Ma is a member of the Chinese Communist Party. Public surprise


Jack Ma during his meeting with Mark Zuckerberg. Founder and CEO of Facebook (Not pictured) in 2016 (Reuters photo)
People's Daily reported the Chinese Communist Party On November 26, Jack Ma, founder and chairman of the Alibaba Group, was a member of the Chinese Communist Party. Turn the faith of the general public to understand it. Ma is a capitalist. And do not meddle in politics.

People's Daily identified Ma as "Communist Party" (中共 党员) in the list, along with 100 CV members who make a valuable contribution to China during the country's economic reform and opening.

In the list of 100 people, this person has Robin Li fromBaidu And mahiTencent Holding In the short biography of the two, "is not affiliated with any party" (人士 / non-partisan)

Jack Ma, Robin Li and Poi Ma have nicknames. "BAT" (B-Baidu, A-Alibaba, Tencent) Three leading technology companies in China.

People's Daily released a list of 100 people who contributed to China's reform and opening on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the reform – opening the country this year. And it is open to the public to comment on the list of this directory until November 30th.

Jack Ma or Ma Liang (), co-founder and chairman of the Alibaba Group, ranks as China's richest person. With assets of $ 35.8 billion. Forbes magazine is also the most esteemed business leader in the world. Advising political leaders in Asia and Europe. And it is planned to exhibit wings in the United States.

Ma has created Alibaba, a major asset company worth $ 390,000, which dominates the online retail market in China. Extend the commercial branch of the logistics sector to the social media giant and create a separate empire in the financial technology sector, Alipay.

Ma announced at Alibaba 's annual meeting last September that he will step down as President of Alibaba next year.

The news of the media. "It is unclear why the Communist Party revealed that Ma was currently a member of the party, which is in line with the party movement that is pushing the private sector in. High-tech companies are rapidly growing the technology sector. in China.

Revealing that Ma is a party member has surprised the public at least. And we do not know when Ma is a party member when. Or simply join the party.

The question is, "Jack Ma is a party member?" Most respondents answered "no"

An Alibaba spokesperson responded to the correspondent's e-mails. That said, the fact that Ma is involved in politics. Do not affect the business of Alibaba. Both have no influence on business decisions.

"We complied with the laws and regulations of the country, and at the same time fulfilled the mission of the digital era – it is easy to make people easy to do business anywhere," he said. Alibaba spokesman.

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