Pepsi …, until the last game.


Click to enlarge & # 39; Pepsi & # 39; reinforces his leadership in sports marketing. Bring the new technology into the consumer outlook. 'Pepsi Weekly Award

This is the best AR game ever made, Pepsi is the first brand of mainstream brands based on AR web-based technology. Complete Campaign Do not charge your app for time. This is not unusual at all. Simply find this banner of Pepsi activity. Tap to play immediately. Or can play to. finished playing Unlimited entries can be submitted. Who missed the prices last week? This week also won Microsoft Surface Pro and Freitag ROY.

This event is only available until July 17th.

Follow up with more details on the campaign. Pe Pepsi via PepsiThai and LINE Official account: PepsiThai and

# Pepsi Sandwiches every game. #PepsiFootball #LoveItLiveIt
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