"Pharmaceutical Organization" expected "Marijuana" used for medical purposes 1 May 62: PPTVHD36


Pharmaceutical Organization May 1, 62 The new law on drugs prescribes the use of this drug

"Pharmaceutical Organization" is expected. "Marijuana" is used for medical purposes May 1, 62

Dr. Sopon Mektan, President of the Pharmaceutical Organization As Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Medical Marijuana After the 2nd Committee Meeting on July 2, the New Drug Code Project To Release Cannabis for Medical Research Purposes in humans, the National Legislative Assembly (NIA) adopted the principle on June 14. The 90-day Commission should be published in The Royal Gazette and will come into effect in 180 days. Cannabis use for medical purposes in May 1, 2562, such as the rules of use. Who will pay? How research studies? How to make industrial grade

The latest report of the progress of the use of medical marijuana in two groups. There is a clear study on the use of cannabis. For nausea and vomiting in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Epilepsy in children And cystitis. The study is not yet clear, such as epilepsy. Does this affect cancer cells in people? Parkinson's and psychiatric disorders like Alzheimer's disease. Four types of Thai medicine are under study: What are the required dosing ratios for CBD and THC?

The progress of research and development of marijuana extract. The government pharmaceutical organization is divided into two projects: The proposal has already been made. Culture and development of cannabis species.

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