Phayao is delighted to have 'Narongsak & # 39; because the governor believes that the development has not lost Chiang Rai.


Governor of Phayao Province of Narathiwat Osotthanakorn moved to Phayao's father. I have a good feeling of working. […] This post has been rated as inappropriate by the TripAdvisor community and has been removed. The Government Gazette is published. Prime Minister's Office The appointment of officials has the message that the Royal Command. To the official Ministry of the Interior Retired And appointed to serve The 11 main leaders seem to be Mr. Narongsak Osatchanakorn, who was ranked No. 3 by his post. The governor of Chiang Rai And appointed to serve The governor of the province of Phayao, Mr. Praprat Pratchasakul of the position. Governor Phayao And appointed to serve The governor of Chiang Rai As soon as the Government Gazette.

Phayao people at the Chiang Kham District Market. The traders of the Municipal Market 1 are happy to have a new governor. Everyone gave an interview in the same line. But I'm happy because the new governor is honest. Serious and serious to perform tasks as seen by the commander of the 13 boar rescue team in Maesai, this is proof that you are a true Phayao people, especially the bazaar Chiang Kham welcome with pleasure

Mrs. Prapipwong. The mother of the brown rice trade said that people in the CKD market when the news that the governor of Chiang Rai will be in Phayao. He was very happy with the market. Phayao is not good. Good man long ago "The bill of 100 baht should be reduced to 100 or 90," said Phayao. I will work in Nang Nuun Cave. As a radio communication club. Division of Medical Engineering Ministry of Public Health I work with Mr. Narongsak 9 days, boar's nest in the cave, said that personally, as he worked with you, he is not a friend with everyone in the job, you are serious with the job. Great and thorough 9 days to the cave. I did not see him leave the area. Work with all parties. Work with all employees. You never leave your colleagues or colleagues. The job is to say that you are honest, that the wrong is bad, that you are right and that you dare to say it directly. So, from the government. You will be the governor of Phayao. Make sense I have a father. We will have a good and good father-city. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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