Post Pongpun blue endurance ring mother at 1 year.


Believe that many people still remember the return of the quality of the Rocker girl's voice. Sunthorn Endurance Ring Death of Cancer on July 7 The past 2560 and the 1st anniversary of departure forever. The most beloved girl of the ring and [Post New Topic] [Message] [Signer le message] How can I post a message to my mother?

The mother went on a long journey. I do not have days at all. And think that mom is still here. Thank you for the 21 good years we shared. It makes a lot of sense. I must admit that I love and miss my mother forever … I love you mom, hope you'll have a good time, I'll see you … "

After that Pan Pun posted photos and messages, there were fans in Punjab.People in the entertainment industry, such as Nun Woranut, Cheek Wichananee, Tai Chutima, Ice Devil, Pork Pork, Honey Passorn, Ball Asana, Tons of months, etc. to encourage comments. (F, B, E, V, N, T, S)
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