Flame! With the drama The Stomach is not pregnant for the mix of Phattharath who issued a press conference with Captain Cholthane, then it was stated that prenatal care will be filed later. That's why. Miu Mian's father is still waiting for his father to accompany him
but after that, it's not like we have prenatal care. The tsunami of Twitter started with the marked Hashtag. # Hmm tumbled harder. I do not like the stomach. "What can not be explained to fools really understand?", "These are all the smart questions that are already there."
Before the current clears up. The last time I got warm when Captain Cholthane did not know the hand or when he tweeted on Twitter # Mink to break before the Mick Boiling! The history of IG
And after the captain put the pressure on the surfer's Mets, the more I get angry, and I also reacted violently. Prenatal problems in particular The chat line has come out of this conversation with someone that she does not have prenatal consultation.
The link to the hospital, that she did not say if you take the receipt. But no prenatal.
Today (July 13), trying to contact me for the facts with Mung Sujat and his mother, Punnada Chaiyong, no one. Answer While the online contact found that the Miu closed account was used.
Previously, Miu closed some comments on Instagram. The pressure has been criticized for not answering the question. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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