Prime Minister Yingluck Shin Doi Suthep Wait for the new version to be moved.


"Prime Minister" to sympathize with the two conflict paradigm parties Doi Suthep Won people who live before work. Wait for the new building to come out. […] Gen Prayut Chansaacha, prime minister and head of the National Peace Corps (NCB), said the network for the return of Doi Suthep Forest. Go out to call back. There are 9 condominiums in the court system of Court of Appeal 5, Chiang Mai, where the government forbids people to live. There are more than 30 families in the justice system who have not received any other reports. However, 45 houses have not been inhabited. I do not live there. The condominiums were occupied before. It was agreed. When the new construction needs to be moved and the area restored. I have to sympathize with the staff that it was before. We did not provide more after a case study. He was already in the construction phase and had to make it work. Both will give them where to go. It's a problem because it's a must. I assure you. It's a good idea to have a set of rules.
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