Pro 2 wins the swing of Aberdeen.


  The 2nd Pro joins the Aberdeen Swing

"Pro" Raya Jutanan Thailand steel rod C & # 39; was the second time that Aberdeen Standard Investors Scotts Ladies followed the three shots of Tiffany Johans.

"Pro" Erie Jutha Nasal Pro Thai Girls Golf. Excellent work. Up to 6 under par in the second round of the Scottish Aberdeen Invasive Ladies Standard Scotch tournament, placing her in second place with Amy Yang of Korea with a total score of 10. Under Park 132

In the second turn, Erie made up to 6 birdies, including 2 by 5, 5 by 4, 8 by 3, 11 by 5, by 12 and by 15. No bogies As a result, she won the full championship. According to Tiffany Joe, pro resident of 3 strokes, who if she won the championship then.

Joey scored in the second round of the four points taking 5 birdies and losing a scarecrow to a total of 13 under 129. In fact, at first I did not intend to make good work at this level. "To be honest, I've set my expectations very low.In fact, at first I would be a little under normal.But when I score at 45 feet, I'm laughing.It's a good start.

While "Promo" Maury Jutanan, another Thai steel rod .Because of the cut soon.After obtaining a score of 2 under the total, the overall score was 1 in 143 to 67. [19659004] The Ladies Scotch PGA tour of Aberdeen Standard Golf Investments is a $ 1,500,000 (approximately $ 49.50 million) prize pool at the Golf Valley Golf Club 6,480 yards par 71 in East Lothian, Scotland After finishing the second round Friday, July 27,

1 – (13) 129 – Tiffany Johans (United States) 62-67
2 – – Erie Jutanan Thai: 67-65, Amy Yang (Korea) 66 -66
4 – (- 9) 133 – Carolyn Manson (Germany) 68-65
5 – 68-66, Park Sung Hyun (South Korea) 67-67
7 – (South Korea ) 69-66, South Korea (6) 136 – Qian (Yun) 70 -66, Kang Hee (South Korea) 67-69, Kim In-Kyung (South Korea) 66-70, Jenny Other golfers
15 –
(E) 142 – Thithapha Suwanapura (Thai) 71- 71, Punnarat Tanapon Boonras (Thai) 69-73
67 Nong Ching (Thai) 74-69

(+2) 144 – Chaiyan Santiwiwatthana (Thai) 73-71, Chayaluck Priyet Suthijit
(+7) 149 – Benyapanu Nipat Sophon (Thai) 77-72

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