Progress on the accident in Phuket. 138 people have been dispatched.


Progress in assistance to victims of boat accidents in Phuket There are 138 people on board.

At 20:50. On July 5, 2018, Mr. Weerasak Kowsurat, Minister of Tourism and Sports, revealed that the incident case in Phuket is now sent. Travel Police Officer To check the list of tourists and details of the boat accident in Phuket after being informed by the tourist assistance center. Phuket at 6:00 pm is crashed on the island of Koh 3 on 1. 1. The registration number of the diving boat Phoenix 6000-02210 has been tipped in the sea in front of the boat. ;island. Including 97 master students 2. The yacht named San Nikolai falls between the island of Koh-Hee with 39 passengers The passenger floats in the sea. 3. Jet ski. Two Russians have left the island of Racha. Wind was blowing. The Navy took three large ships on the 3-meter-high wave to help [219003] at 9 pm when the boat crashed into the Andaman Sea. There were 138 people in total, including Phoenix Drives, running 97 crew members, most of them Chinese, yachts, nineteen, and many of them. other. The Royal Thai Navy helped 48 crew members at Phraya Rattada, Muang District, Phuket, and one of the remaining warranties. Cylon crew The catamaran can help about twenty people in the port of Wisat Panwa in Ao Makham 2 Russian husbands ride a jet ski on the island of Racha. Lucky Boat Help is already being sent to Wisit Panwa Harbor, Makham Bay and the crew. It has helped 39 people, and the remaining 49 missing Phoenix ships are expected. Naval Naval And the water is on the last

. The situation at 9:20 pm was reported by Nopparat Noithong, governor of Phuket.

1. The ship collided with 90 cruisers, 7 dive masters and 97 people. 48 people were transported in the other 49

2 The Serenata yacht There are 39 survivors in the island and 19 people are transported to Cape Panwa in the next 30 minutes.

3 2 The Russians were rescued by the boat.

4 There are also 12 other boats on the island of Racha, including 263 passengers. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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