Province of Uttaradit The Prime Minister led the reception team. Back to Nakhon Pathom


Naga Pipe Team Trip to Uttaradit Stop being a 4th place mayor, lead a team of diners and diners.

At 18:30 on July 12, 61, reporters reported a return trip to Nakhon Pathom Province from the Naga fire or pipeline team after helping to pump Luang Cave water – Khun Nam Nang. Mae Sai, Chiang Rai to support 13 lives boar rescue of the team. The four big serpentine pumps on the trailer. Stop at the PTT petrol station. Province of Uttaradit Amid the warm welcome of Uttaradit, led by Mr. Samran Uaichiravanich Mayor of Uttaradit Mr. Wachira Komakam President of the Rescue Society There is a welcome dinner at the restaurant. Muang Uttaradit

M. Thadjaroen Viboon, the Naga pump team, said he was delighted to operate successfully. Today, departing Pong Pha District, Mae Sai, Chiang Rai from 12:00 to Uttaradit is the fourth point impressive convenience. And services such as drinking water all along the road to stay in Uttaradit about 2-3 hours before heading to Nakhon Pathom

. Mayor of Uttaradit Diarrhea, it is the secret of Lin Lae, the fruit of the name of Uttaradit to the team to eat. And the Praya Pichai medal broke the sword. To be favorable to everyone. He expresses his thanks to the heroic sacrifice. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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