Refit the trunk! I do not know what to say.


Donald Trump, the US leader, tried to apologize for saying that Russia had not interfered with the 2016 presidential election after being badly hit by the two sides and opponents … 19659002] Foreign News Agency reported. US President Donald Trump is back on Tuesday, saying Russia has interfered with the 2016 presidential election, according to a statement from the intelligence agency. Previous day He announced just after the summit with Vladimir Putin that Russia has not intervened.

On July 16, Trump attended the summit for the first time with President Vladimir Putin. In Helsinki Finland By the way, after the rally, it's fun. US and Russian leaders say this is the first step towards a better future.

When Mr. Trump was questioned about the electoral intervention of Russia, he said: "My people came to me, they thought (which interfered with the election) was Russian.J & # I met President Putin, he just said it was not Russia, I would like to say that, I see no reason to be Russian. "

Trump's speech made the Democrats and the Republicans What is his agency. Get out and call Mr. Trump to confirm his position. He is not satisfied with his choice of the Russian side at his own country's intelligence agency, even Newt Gingrich, who was considered a supporter of Trump. The speech was the most serious mistake of the day Mr. Trump was president

. Go out and confirm that. He firmly believed and supported the US Intelligence Agency and said that he was wrong with the joint statement with Putin. "In my key words, I say" yes "instead of" no ", this sentence should be the following:" I see no reason not to be Russian. "

Mr. Trump said that. Intervention does not affect the election.But he did not answer when the reporter asked.Is he condemning President Putin?

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