Researchers say they have created the world's first successful DNA transplant.


Researchers say they have created the world's first successful DNA transplant.

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Chinese authorities are investigating the case of Chinese scientist Jiang Jian, who claims to have created the first genetically modified baby for the first time in the world. It has been a long time.

On November 27, 2018, Foreign News Service reported that the Chinese authorities were investigating the case, as well as on the Chinese Academy of Science and Technology (SOSTech), assistant professor at the University of Science and Technology. Shenzhen technology. After posting a video on YouTube on Sunday. The claims of success for genetically modified babies are the first in the world.

In the video, Mr. He announced that. A twin twin that opened the world a few weeks ago. Genetically modified to prevent HIV infection. With the technique called. & # 39; CRISPR-Cas9 & # 39;, which cuts and chains DNA strands accurately, yet has no diary nor person to confirm.

Mr. He's claims have been the subject of world criticism. Most of them are negative. Meanwhile, the National Health Council of China Ordered Monday night. The investigators seriously and confirmed the accuracy of Mr. He's comments. Like the Shenzhen Family Planning and Health Planning Commission, Mr. He is investigating the labor process and morality.

SUSTECH issued a statement stating that the university was not aware of Mr. He's research. It is a violation of the ethics of the institute. And he investigates. More than 120 Chinese scientists have joined the government's request to increase the rigor of genetic testing.

On the one hand, the United States. Michael Dam, an American professor at Rice University, is suspected of having collaborated in his research.

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