Review MegXX X X 20XX True Soul Detector at Nintendo Switch


Not to say that we know that 2018 is a good year for fans. Mega Man (or Rock Man, if it's a Japanese name) What's the size? Whether bringing Mega Man X Legacy Collection to the console as well as the PC, as well as the coming of the sequel. The original Mega Man 11 series is back with cutting-edge graphics. No return to 8-bit graphics, 9 and 10.

The game was inspired by the Mega Man.

Previously, many developers tried to make the game. Mega Man comes on the market. Mighty No.9 disappoints fans around the world with more than $ 4 million in capital, but the result is not worth it. As for the Gunvolt series, many are perhaps not so familiar, but if someone has a 3DS and is a fan of Mega Man, then probably would know this game very well.

Up to his arrival. 20XX I must say that I have never heard of this game before. I played the first version of Nintendo Switch, but the truth is that the game is on Steam Early Access in 2014 and released the full version of the PC in August 2017. But it will drop the console in 2018 this scene


20XX This is an Action Side Scroller game inspired by Mega Man X. It's a gameplay, a work of art, a character, anything I can not not really thinking. He brings Mega Man X to Remake

but this way the game is always very unique. The player will have the impression of playing something new. More than a game that Copy Mega Man X more than offline. The Permadeath system (dead and dead), the drama as well as the Coop system that counts for the first time for any game with this disconnected.

Ready .. Start!

20XX In the game we will play two Nina and Ace (or Mega Man and Zero) .The game will only have no substantial substance. The game is said that two doctors have created a robot. But no control. And these robots destroyed the city. It is the duty of two partners, Nina and Ace, to meet the robot.This problem

The original action is more fun

as it was says in the first game that the game was inspired. From Mega Man X, so the gameplay of the 20XX is fast enough, the player can load, jump up or slide the scene you want. What is the limit? I played the game and I found that it is faster than Mega Man X.

The two characters Nina and Ace are Nina's gameplay will have a blaster gun that can change the shooting style, but the Ace will have a Sword Buster sword (the same as the Zero used) as a 3 combo and of course the highlight of this game. Boss is the power we used to defeat, but in 20XX it's more than that. Because we can install the power of the boss simultaneously and collect it at the same time, and when the player has finished the game. The game will unlock a special character to play another one. It is here that the PC version will be sold as a DLC.

Mega Souls

The key to making the 20XX a fun game. And there are differences Back to play repeatedly. It's because of the game itself is unique. As I said at the beginning, the game has a Loadout and Permadeath system that gives the impression of playing the Dark Souls mixed with Mega Man (I imagine that the difficulty of these two games meet).

Two main characters that we can play

20XX No Mega Man game or action game through the other offline games. In return, the game is played through a session instead of playing through. Stage Other Games C & # 39; s there is that the reader is confused. What is playing through the session?

We can get a chip to exchange a Token for objects during a scene.

Before talking about the Session system, let's go with the Loadout system of the game before. This game has a very high RPG We can improve our character through the collection of tokens that fall from the monster, as the scene, whether it is the armor, the life force, the weapons, we can improve ourselves can do it.

In our lobby, it's full of functions. There are all in the game, like making a daily challenge or a week to trade the chip, change the character, trade the chip that we can use to trade items that are in the scene, and of course upgrade the character that we can do.

Can not play alone? Coop?

and before playing in the game. Players can choose to play alone or Coop with friends online or locally, all the joy and play also has a degree of difficulty that we have to play. [19659004


And when it comes to difficulty If we talk about games like Mega Man X, then the level of difficulty is not large compared to the original Mega Man series, but for the 20XX is much easier than Mega Man X. Depending on the level of difficulty of the player. And in this ease. It is always difficult for him to have Permadeath

In Mega Man, when the player defeats the boss in the scene. That's the power of the Boss. And choose to fight with the boss. If a player dies and loses his life, we can continue with, we will have to choose a new boss. But the power we have from the previous boss will not go away.

If you die. Everything we play is lost.

But in the 20XX there will be a boss on the same stage. But what is more cruel, is if the player misses his death. All that a player collects. Be it the power of the Boss or Upgrade or Chip Token we have accumulated. Everything will disappear with the eyes. The player must come back to start a new one with all new (brutal as the Dark Souls).

This work does not have to worry about the death of only 1 HP

. To pass the stage in this game. Or boss fight It's not too difficult to do. The player must be careful not to miss it alone. And do not worry in this game, if we jump into the abyss. Or to hit the thorns. We will not die like Mega Man, but only lose 1 point only HP

Maybe coming randomly here is not it.

Talk about the system in the 20XX each time. We start a new scene, level within the scene, it will be random Generate so that every time we come back to the same scene, it will not be boring. It's not like that around that. And that is why I called the session. And the difficulty level will increase to Level if the player returns to the first high level stage. I do not like it.

Another system that I love, is Coop, this game allows us to play Coop with friends, no matter. Through the same screen or online via Internet / Wifi is a new dimension of this game, and in the 20XX, he did very well. But it may be because the game is not very strong. I found a friend to play online through the internet will not find much. But still play with friends by sharing Joycon.

Let's talk about the graphics in the game before I really did not expect much from this game. The Zelda BOTW looks like the same thing, but in the 20XX, we have to admit that the team is doing well. The thing to look at is the design of the animation, the characters that make it flow smoothly, not at all in my ears. Although the design of the boss is a little poor. And the interior design of the game. I'm sorry for the Random Generate system that made the scene very boring.

Conclusion 20XX is a game that I must say to anyone who has a Nintendo Switch, either. Mega Man fans should not be installed offline. Coop with two friends on the same screen through the Joycon is a very good one. For fans of Mega Man, what are you waiting for? The game is on sale today. To find all Platfrom !!

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