Ritter's flight from the central fitness Do not put it back home!


After spending all his time studying. And now it's a success. For the doctor, Rittrungruengrith or Ritter the Star, and now he is back to work in the entertainment industry. With being a doctor. Many people have elevated the position as a doctor to say it.

And recently, Dr. Ritter started to exercise, fitness, bodybuilding, to become a young man. Six Pack I posted a photo of the puppet show. The Instagram is often. The fans scream. [Citation] The narrowness of Ritt is as if some people were very heavy. When an unexpected incident occurred, Ritt was bitten by a psychopath and stole his personal belongings in the bathroom. The fact that this is one of the socks I doubt

until it appears from the story that "Gossip to the person who stole Ritter's socks to ask why take it "It's a workout." It's a good idea. "" There's no sock at all. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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