Roll one end! Hamilton won the Hungarian Grand Prix Championship.


Lewis Hamilton Elite City Top Driver […]

The international news agency reported on July 29. The Formula 1 Formula 1 in 2018 has won 12 points of the world championship "Hungarian Grand Prix" at the Budapest Hungaroring Stadium. Hungary distance of 4.381 km per lap In the final

it happens that the four-time world champion Lewis Hamilton, from the UK's Mercedes team, won the pole position. Bring a single roll. Take the first checkered flag on the chess car and take 1 hour 37 minutes 16.427 seconds to win the championship and fifth field this year.

The second place is the team of Waltz Bots. Hamilton followed 17.123 seconds, followed by Sebastian Vettel of Ferrari

which allowed him to accumulate 2018 points, Lewis Hamilton returning to the top of the group with 213 points. He was followed by Sebastian Vettel at number 189.
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