"Ronaldo" launched with "Juventus" to take the team to win all the championships! : PPTVHD36


"Ronaldo" holds a shirt with Juventus under official new Ready to relocate here. Because of the success of UEFA in the league. […]

"Ronaldo" launched with "Juventus"

Cristiano Ronaldo after a 4 year contract with a fee of 112 million euros Ronaldo was launched as a new player of the United. Official Vittus The reason is that Juventus is the only team that is interested in him. Kaloch C Series is a league of champions and a challenge: Juve is a winning team to win the league (34 cuts) and for the UEFA Champions League.

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. Most players at the age of 33 often choose to ultimately club in China, Qatar, through Juve for the occasion. For him, age is only a number. Still feeling engaged Full of impulses However, Ronaldo will go to camp with the team on July 30 and play in the opening match on August 12

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