Rope of Faith (Clip)


Moments of waiting for the children to leave Luang Chiang Rai cave Talking about a lot of people is Luang Pu Kruba of the Shan state real magic state or not?

Many TV channels take pictures of you coming. Make the ceremony Reiterate your words "Still a few days"

TVC The temple of Chiang Saen brought back a few days. You do not speak to anyone. The villagers said that. Total Trust

The Benefits of Faith Faith is the help of encouragement. Help with Despair

It's not good to believe in miracles. Do not do anything

The teacher told the same story. [2] Floods in Queensland, water levels increase. A Mahayana monk climbed onto the roof of the church. The boat was one of the helpers.

"jump into the boat.

" Do not help, "says the priest," the ego is a disciple of Guan Yin. God of mercy The ego believes

Rescuers plead for a long time. When you confirm Continue to sail They must spend time helping other victims

The higher the water level, the higher the roof of the church. Climb up to hug with the light. When the second rescue boat arrives,

the rescue man tries to plead. "You are a god we respect, we respect your faith, but the oil goes up again."

"Do not go away," the monk stood up. "This is a test of faith. The ego prays for the goddess Im Guan throughout his life. The goddess must not let the ego disappoint.

Lifeboat to the second. It is not so long ago, the water level is high in the light.

The helicopter was immobilized with the rope down

The people shouted: "The pastor has proved his faith.We believe that it is the last chance. you to firmly hold the rope ladder.

"Ego will tell you how many times," Luang Por angry voice H. When the monk refused to catch the rope ladder.

This situation When the water level rises The father drowned God is faithful The first thing he did I walked to find Guanyin

When I t & rsquo; # 39; s found. "Why not go help the ego. "I'm sorry," he said, "I do not know what you're talking about." Say I do not know what to pray for

. I do not know what to do. (Search 13 lives in Luang Chiang Rai)

filled with history that Kruba Bun Chu This cave has a municipality. The cave is an underground city … It helps to be a tourist with a mysterious flavor. I am not sure what to do. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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