"Run" Heart Attack fundraising Hospital Maharaj Nakorn Ratchasima Back home in 1-2 days.


Monster Watch Hospital Team Maharaj Nakorn Ratchasima Caring for Acute Coronary Syndrome. After joining the charity draw, raise money to build an accidental building. The rescuers survived. Coronary Artery Bypass

Today (July 17) Dr. Opas Ginphong The Deputy Minister of Public Health (TAT) discusses cases of riders with acute coronary syndrome. A 109-year-old 109 million runners On the run of honor. Contribute to the construction of the emergency and accident center. It was a good day for me. This has been done with network partners. According to the plan, medical care for the runners attended. 14 high-end ambulances, rotating bicycles There are 29 radios, 34 ATS units, 34 state-of-the-art AEDs and 34 resuscitation clinics. Approximately 300 medical students distributed at various points every 1-2 km. Resuscitation can be performed at the cardiac arrest of acute coronary syndrome. And send an operation to the hospital Maharaj Nakorn Ratchasima. 3 traits were inserted successfully. To return home in 1-2 days.

Dr. Opas said that it is recommended to runners to check the annual health. Rate your self-esteem. Diseases such as bone diseases. Hypertension, diabetes, asthma, heart disease, especially myocardial infarction Heartbeat and heart disease. Is there a history of sore throats like heart disease? And treated continuously. They also practice speed, distance and race time. Do not exaggerate the vital body's current needs to observe its own symptoms. If you have a sore throat, shiver, tired, dizzy, dizzy, stop running. And get help from the first aid team

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