Say it! How do you communicate?


If this is your first visit, do not forget to check the FAQ by clicking the link above. Communication is both a science and an art. The need for positive talent. I do not know what to say. Why have Aesop's fables been invincible for more than 2,500 years? Why do people today still believe in the prophecies of Nostradamus? Despite writing hundreds of years. Why do people believe that coke and bones.

The two famous academics of Stanford and Duke University. The specialized communication "Chipsheath" and "Dan Heather" solves the puzzle of "Made to Stick", why some things are rooted in people's heads for a long time. The study revealed that there are six components that can be used to increase the communication power in the head of the new generation.

If the executive wants employees to follow … parents who want it. The obedient to the idea … the salesman who wants to motivate the customer. Or a speaker who wants to spell the listener. Communication techniques to be remembered by the other party.

The six essential elements of communication are "simplicity, depth and sincerity". The heart of communication is not a distraction. Do not say it short. This is not just the golden paragraph that brings people together. If you want people to remember our words. Creating a New Concept Deep Simplicity

How Do People Turn to Our Ideas? We have to juggle people.
Conflicts with the instinct "Beyond Expectation" and "Erotic" use surprise as a magnet, sucking the audience, suppressing repetition, causing appetite. Just as the case unfolds. "Popcorn Popcorn" in 1992 at the Center for American Public Science. The flow was successful, indicating that. Popcorn butter, a single bag of fat that clogs the blood vessels on bacon and eggs, Big Macs and fries. Or plate of meat steak! It's become a big news. As a result, sales of popcorn across the United States have been significantly reduced.

One of the cornerstones of communicative engagement is "tangible" because the human brain remembers tangible information. Easy What communication is vague, abstract view? Interpretation of several multi-liner.

"Trustworthiness" is a concept that must be credible in itself. When we try to find a reason to support something. We have always jumped to reliable numbers. But sometimes the simple question of what's really going on is much better than "Ronald Reagan" debating "Jimmy Carter" for the presidency. Reagan did not take any statistics to emphasize the slow pace of the US economy. But he asked simple questions. First to vote I'm not sure it's a good idea. Based on real-life experiences, such as firefighters, there will be a packed story about firefighting situations. When you tell these stories, share them. Make sure people listen to it. As if it was part of a rare experience. It's a social era. Being a little person is not important at all. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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