SEC Chasing Brokers – Funds Stop the exorbitant fees.


SEC Chasing Brokers - Funds Stop the exorbitant fees.

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Mr. Rapee Sucharitakul, Secretary General of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), revealed at the seminar "Thailand SEEP Polymer Dialog 2018: Regulated by Market Strength". I want the securities company (SEC) and the fund management company (TMB) to charge fair and reasonable fees for the purchase and sale of the fund. The development of quality services focused on customers or investors. And what should be done. All members of the organization realize that they must act in the best interest of the client and the SEC believes that everyone can participate in the development of the capital market. For long term benefits.

For now, the buying and selling of mutual funds are part of the high yield mutual funds. But the return is not good. Compared to other funds. Some are not able to provide quality information and advice. There is no equity. Compared to fees paid by customers. It's like getting up for a tuk-tuk but paying for a limousine. This is considered inappropriate. You have to be aware and take into account the public and the investor. The main advantage of the investment.

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