Send old car to government, charities.


Fire, garbage, sweeping the streets, trucks

in the yard. On 19 July, General Aswin Kongkwan, governor of Bangkok, presided over the ceremony of handing over unused old Bangkok vehicles. Government agencies and charities must be repaired for appropriate use. General Aswin said that in 2018, Bangkok had delivered damaged vehicles and supplies to 110 requesting units, damaged by the use of the Environmental Bureau. Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Drainage Department Medical Office Administrative Office and Registration Thon Buri Office Wattana District Office There are 3 cars, 3 buses, 2 cars, 6 garages, 41 fire trucks, 14 Fire trucks, 6 tankers, 25 trucks, 3 rescue vehicles, 1 staircase We are very happy that these vehicles and parcels benefit the missions that are in charge of the organization. Local Government And Charity Organizations If It Is To Improve. Or the repair can be done. Use in various missions to solve the problem for the brothers of the region. Or use it for public use. The function of (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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