Shaped 3 in Thailand in the J. League !! Mui paid very well, but J is doing well.


J.League (J. League – Japan Professional Football League) published a video clip of three Thai gods in the league. July 18, J.League (Japanese Professional Football League) .Send a video clip of the 3-star team. The Thai Red Cross (Sanfred Hiroshima), Teerapon Boonmatan (Vissel Kobe) and Chanathip Songkhasin (Conaway Dolphin Sapporo) in the Japanese League J.

. The field was saved 71 minutes before the door closed the box in the 86th minute to Sanfrashi Hiroshima team to overcome the Osaka Gambaras overwhelmed 4-0 with three points to collect the crowd.

The wrestler is a real comeback for Wessel Kobe with some nice assists for Wellington's goal against the team to defeat V-Vera Nagasaki.

While "J" came down to the real one.

Thanks to the photos and clips of J.League (J. League – Professional Football League). 19659002 Click to see more details Click to see more details Click to see more details , e, v, n, t, s)
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