Shipyard of Sri Varar, Phoenix Shipyard Exploitation of the company without permission


Deputy Director of Phuket Township Following the case. Phoenix Shipyard Survey Found a boat company. Establish and operate a factory without authorization.

On the evening of July 13, 61 Maj. Rangsit Phamhamakul, Deputy Prime Minister, Head of Security and Special Affairs. Control of the investigation and the pursuit of the Phoenix ship collapsed near Hee Island, Phuket, on July 5th. Mr. Surin Sirisriyas, Regional Headquarters, Phuket Section, Mr. Hiranat Suebsagapan, Appointments Officer, Ministry of Port Affairs, Mr. Boonsong Kaewpan, Mr. Narumon Hui Hoi, Phuket Industrial Authority and Ms. Marisiri Jaiyasan Insurance Phuket's trip to inspect the Tanawat Engineering Phuket Co., Ltd., a company that has contracted Phoenix. Located at 65 Moo 7 Moo 7, Ratsada, Muang, Phuket, Thailand. It is located at 3/20 Moo 1, Ratsada, Muang, Phuket

. According to the audit found that Thanawat Engineering Co., Ltd. Phuket set up and operate the plant. Not Authorized It is an offense under Section 12 of the Factories Act of 1992, asked the investigator to the concerned interrogators. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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