Tyler Hanley is dead soon. After shooting a policeman I'll be in the house. Until the special attack. And found dead …
Foreign news agency reported that Tyler Honey Cutt, former NBA basketball player. He died at the age of 27 after using guns to fight the police. At the Los Angeles Police Office, the suspect appears to have died from a gunshot wound on the subject himself.
Los Angeles police received a call for help around 5 pm on Friday, July 6. By local time When the officer arrives at the scene. The suspects, who they have not confirmed, are Honey Cutty. I shot a weapon before locking myself into the house. Until the hour until Saturday morning. The SWAT team broke into the house.
Local media confirmed that the suspect was Mr. Honey Cutt. His mother informs him that the baby is abnormal. The house of the old house "Sacramento King" is in the neighborhood scene of Sherman Oaks in Los Angeles. As members of the team "BC Kim Kijee" his last club in the Russian league. Tweet Tyler Honey Cutt began his basketball career at the University of California at Los Angeles. Before being sent to the Sacramento Kings in 2011 before moving on to the Houston Rockets, even in 2013, Honey Cutt moved. I am going to play in Israel with the team "Irene Nessione & # 39; before being a member. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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