Shocked! Prime Minister shot the sniper sniper. The ceremony of invitation of the flag (clip)


Mayor of the Philippines The sniper was killed. At the ceremony of invitation of the flag at the top of the pole.

Foreign news agency reported that the Mayor of Honolulu, the mayor of the city of Navan. South Manila Philippines A sniper rifle singing at a ceremony to invite the flag to the top of the pole. Tawanan City Hall Monday, July 2nd the past. By the bullet in the chest.

Many people in the event can record video clips at the scene of the accident. A clip shows people running after a shot. Another clip shows Mr. Halili standing in front of the national anthem. Before he is shot The photo shows him trying to get away.

On the side of Mr. Ranadao Merkado, the chief of the local police. Said the AFP news agency. The bad guys have fled. However, they found that the gunman was about 150 meters from the target, which was not normal. People can not do it. Must be a hand trained sniper.

This is a Halilie is known for his drug problems, two years ago he became a global player. After the drug traffickers were forced to walk on the street with their badges, in 1960 the power to control the local police was cut. After the government accused. He is involved in drug trafficking.

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