Silver! & # 39; Lamsam – Shinawatra & # 39; leading the wave of fans' Lisa & # 39; BlackPink


2 family of "Lamsam – Shinawatra" finished top of the first two to attend the 1st Fan Sign in Bangkok with "Lisa BLACKPINK" … [19659002] became a tide in the tweets when both generations spent more than 100,000 baht to buy one of the brand cosmetics, featuring Lisa Galina Mannabe or LISA BLACKPINK as presenter. The event was announced for the 1st LISA LISA 2018 in BANGKOK. [2] [2] [4] Twitter is the same as "Chalida Lamsam" (113,465 baht at 11.54 hours on August 1, 61), followed by the second "Shinawatra Panthong" itself (103,815 baht). At the same time, he became known as BLINK (Fan Club) .On the announcement of the website, Mr. Panthong was named the best shopping and online

M. Panthong. The authenticity was posted via Twitter. these To buy goods manually And also the generous gift of goods purchased to those who tweet. However, many people still keep track of who will be the highest bidder because they have not finished their activities. (19659005) (Thanks to Twitter. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)

and lalalalisa_m instinct, blackpinkofficial, oak_ptt)
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