Spain shocked! Tsunami hit the road on the beach (clip)


High waves crashing on the beach, the city of Spain. Make the water flood the road. The bar is on the beach …

. A wave of about 5 feet falls in the town of Ciutadella, which is located on the lost mansion in western Menorca. In the morning of Monday, July 16, while the man lost nearby. Many are flooded because of the high waves called. & # 39; Meteotsunami & # 39; or tsunami caused by weather conditions. Not the usual earthquake.

This natural phenomenon also occurs in Mallorca. Video clips show waves of water flowing down the streets, bars and slopes of the coast of Andrà © rà © r, while waves are linked to the boats of the council of the island of Mallorca. Discover Floating the boat in an uncontrollable way.

The crew will resume the boat. Initially, no casualties were reported. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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