Stampede on the BTS! Passengers escape "I'm sorry," he says.


Stampede on the BTS! Passengers Escape Shanghai Metro Taipei City Metro Taiwan Stationed at Da'an Station to get passengers. But some passengers noticed the rat on the train. The passengers are the scramble. Yell

 [MT]  The other passengers on the train noticed the turbulence on the train, so they screamed. It's a good place to start. As a result, two passengers were pedaled.

The riot is due to some passengers recalling the incident of the Taipei City massacre in 2014 by a man. I use a knife to chase a passenger on a train. There were four dead and 24 injured, causing passengers to panic.

<img class = "aligncenter wp-image-1307809 size-full" title = "รถไฟฟ้า" src = " metro-rat3.jpg "alt =" When the train stops at the next station, the passengers rush out of the train and push the passengers on the line until the car falls. control the situation and in no time at all

<img class = "aligncenter wp-image-1307808 size-full" title = "รถไฟฟ้า" src = " -content / uploads / 2018/07 / taipei-metro-rat2.jpg "alt =" After the train These trains need to be cleaned very hard. After a soothing event, a smartphone, a tablet, a purse and a bag were left in the process. Drinks and sweets look like blood on the floor. It makes you look like a movie scene. Average customer rating: 0 stars Total votes: 0 The trainer usually catches mice on the train about three to five times a month, but no rats cause the disturbance.

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