Star Force celebrates the "Mecha Shopping A Halloween Episode" at the Megabangna Shopping Center.


Added recently – The two most beautiful boys Ken – Phu Poomphong Panu with a good actor. Auras and Sara – Nalinnon Bring the party to the event during the event. Mega Shopaholic: Money Recovery at the Mega Bangna Mall Arranged to deliver a happy moment. And find a fan of mega Bangna. The lucky winners will be able to get closer and participate in the event with celebrities such as: Money Catch Up: Challenge sensitivity by grabbing money in the wind box. Up to 50,000 baht each and Black Friday Activities: Shop … win Prove the harmony of buyers with the actors by tying their shopping legs together. Both the victory and the. With the conquest of the shop at the appointed time.

For more information and conditions, call Call. 02 (19659017) – 105 1000 and

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