Stop looking tomorrow boat crash Phuket killed 33 people still do not find 23 other people.


Progress on the Phuket crash at 6 pm The last diver stopped searching. The governor of Phuket and the working group concluded. The 33 dead missed 23 people …

The reporters reported from the harbor department that the progress that at 6 pm the Phoenix boat suffered from a sinking south. 1.5 miles (2.8 km) away from the island of Koh Ha. The boat was sunk south of Koh Ha, about 30 meters deep. The rescuers were found dead and found dead in the boat and recovered. The total number of deaths was 33, and the search and death of the dead were reversed. 23 missing persons

Of the 49 survivors hospitalized at the hospital (Phuket Provincial Hospital, Phuket Provincial Hospital, Phuket Hospital), 37 patients had serious illness. 12 cases with rights details. The injured person will be compensated for the cure. A boat accident in Phuket on July 5, 2018 will initially contain

. (Compulsory insurance) in accordance with Article 142 of the Law on Navigation in Thai Territorial Waters. In case of death of 100,000 baht, medical expenses will not exceed 15,000 baht. Limited

2. Appeal Fund Ministry of Tourism and Sports Will be considered at the discretion of the Council. In case of death not exceeding 1,000,000 Baht

3. Insurance purchased by tour operator (CT Blue Dream Co., Ltd.) from Bangkok Insurance Co., Ltd. In case of injury, no more than 500,000 baht in case of death 1,000,000 baht

4. According to the civil and commercial code.

At 7:30 pm, incident incident commander Phuket Meeting Planning to recover Phoenix and Serena. The Department of Port Navigation, 1301, integrates lost research and security into search and rescue vessels.

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