Sun – Shimmer, the rumor is also unforeseen. Gossip Girl News – innnews


is a subject that has attracted a lot of attention to the girl's 'Spring Onions'. with the publication of news. The fashionable girl shows a wedding dress with the soft 'Sun Pop' during the wedding ceremony at Central World. I do not know what to do. "He repeated (Laughter)"


How do you feel?

How to make a wedding dress "Because it feels good.But it may not be suitable for the doctor.It may be because of this kind of mischief.This is not like a scented job today.We were as stiff as we were.I saw the opal, said the MC then feel.Yeah, it's there that we are (laughs) but it's fun to have a good experience I'm excited. "

Then the contact was tense.

Soybeans "I received the sun, I feel it."

Sun "happy to think that the groom is suitable for us." I love the pretty dress.

What is the real deal?

Sun "Really? I have to wait to see him. "

" Do not wait to see the dress.

What is the day of your wedding?

What is the day of your wedding? "In the dream, I do not think yet for the moment, I do it every day."

It's a beautiful bride.

Shimmer "Hi guys, you do not do it more? "(laughs)"

How many years to see the wedding?

Sun "I do not have time.

So onion is ready?

Onion" is better than what we have in the head now. (Laughs) It's a woman who dreams of a wedding. There are so many who keep a catalog. I will introduce a lot, it will look like that. The history of marriage is a matter of time. If everything is right and perfect. It's a good day. "

is now I want to work, is not it?

Onion of sheep" Yes, study first. It's a good thing to do. I do not want to dress, I just have to stop. This is my first post. "I want to do a long time

This image is hidden for guests Please log in or register to see this picture This photo is hidden for guests Please log in or register to view photos." The news is news . It is there that we live without quarrels. I'm trying to study other couples. This quarrel? Many people are so sad about it. Now, we must study how to solve our problems first. Each person is different, each pair is not the same.

What is the problem?

Sun "Most of the time, there is a problem, I have to be the only one to stop the atmosphere that is very hot. I am talking about hot emotions.

How to Should Onion Stop It?

"We are not hot enough to understand that. I have a lot to give to us, we call it. But now we are studying that it's hot so it had to cool down before. At first, it would be amazing that people like to be left behind. It is to separate the other. Why is not it clear? This is not the first time, but I understand now. I do not know what to do with it (Laughter) "

then fight hard At first, we did not understand why we left

" It's the first. I will discuss with you all the time. It's very hot. We will feel that if it is not we to be a child, we are the same. But now that we say we know it.

This is not good, right?

Sun "It's good, after all, I'll try to stay and talk as I do it best." It's like giving him time to think away.

Go at the top of the page "It's too cute. I know this is not news. I do not know if it sells. I need to take a proof that I have not sold it. He can not support the evidence. I can not answer anyone. That said, one day I said to abortion. I will go to the proof that I did not do it. Who wants something me? I do not want everyone to like it. Who will come to me? It's like he had a space in society. The person who is Nemesis is scented. I will not comment on that. What did it inflict upon us?

Sun, how to encourage the aroma?

Sun "I was not thinking of anything, I thought it was just news, I did not pay attention to it, it is a condition of their mind that it does not matter. is nothing, I do not feel anything with that.

How to handle it?

"No, it was not for the perfume, it was as if it was a bad thing for we. Listen more funny. But as I said, I do not want to value these people. This is not just the smell of a celebrity today as a social victim. I do not think anyone here has such behavior, and then another person to add to that. People will say that he says this one. Why do not we prove that this is how we know each other? If you do not know what you're talking about,

Go to the top of the page [Nouvelles] "This is not my stomach (smile)"

Spring Onion "This fragrance speaks to me. find similar opportunities I will not have a baby on my belly It is the end of the year that will be adopted.It is the younger brother of the baby.L & # 39; 39, aroma is already a child in love I tell everyone to see the baby someday I do not know what to say, but I do not know what to say.

"He said that he gave all. I do not know what to write. The Singaporean nationality is Singaporean. I would like to have up to 21 years to choose a nationality. Will he be a Singaporean or a Thai? I'm not sure if that will support us or anything. But eventually our parents are with us. I like the smell of her grandmother, but what about that? "

How to prepare?"

He smiles and says that he is teaching us very well.We are worried that if the child is with us, it will be hard (smile), but we try to tell people around this help. "

But when we're cool, we have to pay attention to the rough word

Onion" I do not know what you're talking about, "he says," but I do not know not what happens. "

Then consulted with Sun to adopt a brother to adopt.

"We must first ask, we do not have to ask.If you have a boyfriend, ask if we have a boyfriend.I do not know what to say." I have nothing to help me. Then watch what a lot.

This is called Sun Father.

Onion of sheep "I do not know how to call it."

Sun "I do not think so."

spring onion "I will call you."

What is the origin of the spring onion?

Spring onion "I do not know, I do not know. have never imagined my motherhood. I do not think I think so. I think if the marriage is to find a father to raise children. Because I do not bother myself. I do not know how to do it. I do not know what to do. We feel that motherhood is not clear at all. I do not know how to do it. "We are not married yet, then another is.The doctor said that chances are very difficult pregnancy.If you do not like it, then it's a good idea."

Why Is it decided to take it?

"We have not finalized that we will live together as a couple. It's a time when we have to treat ourselves as if we understand it. He understands us, people understand what it is. If you do not like it, then it's a burden to put pressure on us. "

We are afraid of having a baby and that can be scary on the outside.

" Try to think of your own child. Like us, we grew up with our own understanding. It is not that I do not like it. Wait a minute, it's too hard to be mother (laughs). "

Sun" Really scared, but I feel that children today are very sensitive. He was able to learn for himself what was wrong with him. If he made a mistake, he will receive his own penalty. He can solve his own problems. I think I will be a baby in the West if that is not the case. Because he's going to let him learn that he's hurt. If you do not work well, he must fall like this. "

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