Surprisingly … "Jiyeon" as "Han" gave birth to sexy pants.


Young lady "Seo Jiyeon" When I was young "Hun Isis" Surprise birthday gifts with hot pants. This is a good question for you to ask for the status of this update.

"My birthday gift is hot pants, because I really want to stay a long time.And before that time to go to buy it said.Not pretty at all.We are all talking, not buying At that time, Jiyeon was confused as to what he was.Why do not we want to buy it? But the sheep, the gift, and then see, agree, understand it. "

Is it really a surprise?

Well, not really, it's surprising that there is one too.

Last night, we saw it with a party?

Oh, well, it's only the beginning of the work. He invited me to visit. Who said this line was invited to meet? I have to go to see a lot of things. But not the birthday party at the time. Just a mixture. Because we have not met for a long time.

Now, what is our relationship with Han?

Like that it's like he had answered it. We are only friends. This is an excellent opportunity to develop … Well, it's okay now. To talk to

We give friends scanning?

Really, my friends know each other (laughs). We grew up together

Is it the other young man? We do not have the right to plead, right?

Do not enter because they are single. This is not a fan. If we speak clearly, if we come to study first. They all grew up with each other. We do not want to put pressure on ourselves and we do not want to put pressure on anyone. Because we are talking about it today, it is comfortable.

Suppose this love can develop. Will we be more serious than before?

Yes, if it is clear. Jiyeon speaks alone.

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