"Swing Cushion" Blue Mermaid "to teach swimming to the deaf" Speedo Swim Generation 2018 "


Currently, the drowning mortality rate in the world is 372,000 per year. "Speedo" brands of swimsuits. These are the world-class Swimmers Trust

with awareness of drowning problems. The Swim Generation organized its activities to reduce drowning mortality. Swim Lessons for the Deaf Under the name of Speedo Swim Generation 2018 by Mr. Chanya Panyaneetha, Executive Vice President of Speedway and Ms. Chanjira Kiatpradath, Director of Marketing


The objectives of this event were as follows: inaugurate the event on July 22, 2011 at the Army Stadium, Vibhavadee-Rangsit Road. The emphasis is on three principles:

1. Swimming Safety aims to teach children the basic techniques of swimming, swimming, survival, water safety and rescue. This will reduce the risk of drowning in targeted communities due to the need for water safety and basic swimming skills to assist survival and rescue

2. The swimming lifestyle helps children and youth work in the areas of swimming, water safety, water protection and drowning. Increase awareness of drowning prevention and increase employment opportunities in the area of ​​swimming and water safety.

3 Swim Generation's preference for swimming and water safety for children at a young age to help create a love for sustainable swimming and to develop a passionate swimming community.

Since last year, Speedway has recognized the importance of teaching the blind, swimming and self-help.In case of drowning, the Speedway taught blind children. Water Survival Plus Speedway has invited Thai national swimmers to teach you. And many of you may not realize that the visually impaired need to use swimming goggles like us. Spado is aware that even the blind can not see, but he still has eyes on swimming. Swindon provided swimming goggles to the Blind Foundation.

And this year, in 2018, Speedway held a continuous project. Choose to teach the deaf to survive drowning. Because Snape knows that it is very important when an accident occurs, the deaf person is unable to ask for help.

Also invited the "Cushion" of Kwan Pooko, a swimmer from the National Swim Team. Gold medal of the 29th gold medal of the SEA and athlete of the black national team "Blue Mermaid" Khanitha Nim. Silver Medal Participate in this event. The details of the day's activities are divided into two parts: theoretical (explained), familiarization and familiarity with the respiratory system, aerial diving, long-term kicks, rotating feet, arms to survive in the water. Floating foam, using daily equipment to help you float, such as sandals, water bottles and self help, and then can help others. Using wood

M. Chanya Paharnmate, Executive Vice President of Speedway, said: "Thank you all for your support, we are committed to working on this great project and we hope that our project will benefit the participants." For the "Speedo Swim Generation 2018" this year, our swimming lessons for the deaf have been very welcomed. Next year, we intend to organize activities to reward this society.Continually And to increase the number of participants. This will reduce the rate of drowning each year, "said Chanyawan Meedha, Deputy General Manager of Speedway.

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