Tai Yang Xinjiang Tree


In the Xinjiang Desert in China, there are large perennial trees. Leaves at the top. Born natural People.

This tree Drought resistant, sunlight resistant, even acidic alkaline soil

Some earl trees. Long live the thousands of years.

Xinjiang Poetry The ear The symbol of immortality, durability or decision.

In the book Simple Meaning Good (editors inspired by the Association) Suriyapai Chai Mongkol Collectors selected as the first tree of the title. In the desert

Old man with two young people Two adjacent plots can be found in the desert. When planting earlap seedlings. The old man was attentive.

While the young man was taking the first steps. As long as the first seedlings survive.

But in the desert, storms are always stormy when the old man does a lot of good to survive. The young man came to see his yew stick.

Two years have passed. The ear of yang, the old man and the young man big big together

One day Desert storm The next day, people went to see the ear lobe

Weird story … The ear of the old man Yang Most sandstorms are out of order. Some roots have been torn from the roots

while the young ear of the young. Each tree is majestic. Damaged I just cut the branches and leaves

"I'm taking good care of it, watering it every day, as you've abandoned it." The old man was skeptical, "but why my lobe d & # 39; The ear fell almost completely, but your ear.

"Uncle Ho watering the ground, he is often rooted, he does not chew diligently deep in the ground," explained the young man reasonably.

"My conduit auditory, he never survived me. Take care They had trouble finding a source of underground water. Yang ear with deep roots. When the storm blew.

This is a little story. Have a good explanation. Faced with a terrible situation. And dangerous in the desert I have to use more force. Principles of Ear Growth

This is the only way. To make it stronger.

We humans too. People who find it difficult always. It's a good life. How many obstacles? The human eye is open.

Those who are strong both. Both are flexible. It's always a winner.

Comments from this story. Do not let your kids chew too much. Overflow Often reversed as an obstacle to progress.

I think in the ear The strongest position against the Xinjiang desert storm. Then think of the wild boar of the children's football team. And the majors … who have just come out of the cave – Royal Khun Nuun.

I believe Children who have lived this … they will grow up to mature adults, courage and patience. Survive through Because we have good people like that.

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